#Light Over Darkness
Wynwood, Miami 2018
Perhaps my craziest biggest undertaking so far…
Last week when I was in Miami Dan Arev told me he may have wall in Wynwood, if I wanted to put up a mural.
Well a few days and sleepless nights later, I’m here on the middle of the world’s biggest Menorah Mural – or at least that’s what we’re claiming.
An epic huge shout out to Joseph Waks who is help me with pulling this together – and encouraging/ demanding I put up a second mural in Surfside the following day….
Most of all I have to say G-D has been with me every step of the way, even at 3 am when the projector, generator, were not working and I was yelling, G-D still had everything under control even if I didn’t realize it.
So here is the Wynwood mural
Thank you everyone for your encouragement!