Living Lights
‘Living Lights’ celebrates the brightness each of us is gifted by G-d to bring to the world, through a pop-up interactive installation activated by human touch.
Living Lights is an interactive art installation that went on display December 2021 in select locations in NY/NJ.
December 2021; Open to the public in select New York/New Jersey locations, and free of charge throughout Chanukah, Living Lights gives you a powerfully symbolic opportunity to step up and share your light, together with your friends, your family, and the person standing next to you whose light you have yet to know!
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch once wrote: The world says that where light is thrown you can see hidden blemishes… Chasidic teaching says that where light is shown you can see another’s hidden beauty.
This holiday season bring your — our — light back into focus, and cancel negativity and cynicism through a celebration of hUmaNITY. For the most effective way to dispel darkness is to increase light. And just a little bit of light dispels a whole lot of darkness!