Jersey City - #LightOverDarkness
In response to the recent terror attack in Jersey City and so many other anti-Semitic attacks lately,(December 2019) I am responding by spreading light.
Working with Chabad Young Professionals of Hoboken & Jersey City and Chabad Hoboken-JerseyCity who connected us to Green villain and gave us this wall to paint.
The wall is just off the intersection heading into the Holland Tunnel in #JerseyCity
Every night of Chanukah a different local artist painted a large flame on the menorah.
The wider community is invited to help finish this mural, stop by and write a message of Mitzvot and fill the darkness with your light.
The mural is located at 221 Erie St Jersey City NJ on the way into the Holland Tunnel.Friends let’s spread light
Here is some press on the Menorah Mural:NJ.com
After Jersey City shooting, rabbis hope menorah mural will help
community healNews 12 NJ
Artist brings mural to Jersey City to celebrate Hanukkah, honor shooting victimsMSN News:
Painted Menorah Lighting Following Deadly Attack In Jersey CityNachum Segal Network Radio:
Nachum and Rabbi Moully Discuss “Light Over Darkness”Hamodia:
Mural of Light Designed to Pierce the Darkness