Spread Your Light Instillation.
Jerusalem Biennale 2019
As part of the 2019 Jerusalem Biennale Moully created ‘Spread Your Light’, a site-specific installation designed to provoke public participation in the exploration of the idea that physical action is capable of having a spiritual impact on the world - L’shem Shamayim - for the sake of heaven.
For the 20019 Jerusalem Biennale I developed an innovative, participant-focused installation project, #Spread Your Light, inspired by a similar project I did over Chanukah 2018 #Light Over Darkness This instillation takes the form of a mobile sukkah constructed of a reflective plexiglass exterior and completely white interior. Upon the opening of the instillation, viewers become participants in the artistic experience by either performing a mitzvah on the spot or committing to do so in the future, whereupon they receive a flame shaped sticker to place anywhere in the sukkah. As the stickers fill the space, the bare white walls and floor transform into a colorful and visual symbol of mitzvot changing the world around us.